Without God’s calling we will not last. Without endurance we will not experience the deep call of God. The Scripture says, “deep calls to deep”— God’s heart to our heart. God calls - we respond.
God calls us first to Himself and then secondly to join His purpose. Don’t forget this! In order to to live deeply with the Lord and in order to fulfill God’s purpose, we will have need of endurance so that when we do the will of God we will receive what was promised (Heb 10:36). What does God promise, you ask? Our inheritance is the age to come from which we will inherit the new heavens and the new earth. But the greatest reward of all - is God Himself. He is yours and you are His.
Through endurance, God is unlocking something deep within you? What is it? Through endurance, God is strengthening you for His purpose and for your future inheritance. Call to Him . . . with persevering faith. He’s called you.